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Reflux, regurgitate.

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Q: When i eat food i burp and it comes back up again?
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Related questions

Do you burp if you have ulcer?

Burping has nothing to do with ulcer. You swallow the air, while eating the food. This air comes out when you burp, usually when you drink a water after food.

How can an infant demonstrate that he or she is full?

They will slouch back,have gas/burp,or reject the food

What is to ruminate?

it's when cows eat food, digest it partially, the food comes back >and they chew it again< -- > to ruminate

Why do you burb?

People burp because of air that needs to come out. Usually after eating, you burp because when you eat food, you might eat air so the air comes out.

Why do people burb?

People burp because of air that needs to come out. Usually after eating, you burp because when you eat food, you might eat air so the air comes out.

Explain the flow of funds in the capital market?

MONEY..........BURP.............FOOD............cheetos MONEY..........BURP.............FOOD............cheetos

Can you give one word for sound given from mouth after eating food?

After eating food? Perhaps a burp?

Why does one burp after eating a sumptuous amount of food?

because we eat fastly and we just go..... BURP!

Why do you burp after swallowing semen?

You can burp after swallowing an amount of air with any food or drink. It's no different than a burp after swallowing soda or a bite of food.

What food comes from the back of a pig?

Pork chops, back bacon.

Do moose burp and chew the food they eat after feeding?

Moose are a type of deer. Like all deer, they are ruminants, which chew their food, then allow it to partially digest, then chew it again before it finished digesting. So the answer is yes, they do chew their cud.

How to taste with no eat?

You can put the food in your mouth, chew a little and then spit it out.