While it isn't advisable to consume moldy dairy products, for most people accidentally consuming some wouldn't pose a serious health risk. If you have any symptoms at all, there might be some nausea or diarrhea which will resolve on its own. Those with compromised immune systems would be most susceptible to serious illness. If anyone experiences severe symptoms after consuming mold in food however, medical attention should be sought.
Baking might kill the mold, but you would still taste it in the finished product. If you have to make the recipe, use water and 1 teaspoon of oil for the milk. That's for most recipes, some have to be milk.
Until the mold has consumed all of the bread and all you are left with is the mold.
The unknown substance is likely bacteria or mold that has grown on the milk left on the kitchen table for a week. This can pose health risks if consumed and should be discarded immediately.
Yeast and mold are both dangerous in different ways. Yeast is dangerous because it can cause an infection. Mold is dangerous because it can cause problems breathing.
no, but they are smelly!
Yes. Mold spores are dangerous to breath in and may cause an allergy attack or some other problem. Black mold is particularly dangerous.
Your currently in the category of Health, not Legal advice. Black mold spores are extremely dangerous and can cause many different disorders and have proved to be fatal.
Milk molds when bacteria or fungi, such as mold spores, are introduced and allowed to grow in the milk. Factors like temperature, exposure to air, and cleanliness can contribute to mold growth in milk. Proper storage in a clean, airtight container at the appropriate temperature can help prevent milk from molding.
milk and mold
Mold spores often cause an allergic reaction.
The mold that can grow when watering grass with milk is typically a fuzzy white or gray mold called powdery mildew. This mold thrives in damp, humid conditions and can easily spread in areas with excessive moisture, like grass that has been watered with milk. It can hinder the grass's growth and health if left unchecked.