Try to make the best of if, my marriage is going on four years and it seems to get worse by the day
No kidding, my mom has an abusive husband. She offered him to leave but he just won't, apparently, she'll have to live with him for much longer. Doesn't he think 16 years of abuse is enough? If he won't leave, pack your own bags and leave with dignity.
You don't; if you love your husband just stop cheating; if you don't love you husband, tell him you don't love him and file for a divorce.
It depends how long you have been married for. If you have been married for more than 7 years then just try and work things out with your husband. Also, if you are older than 30 then it is wise to stick with him. If he swears he wont cheat again but then it turns out he does, then leave him. By the way im 14 years old lol
Hadiqua kiani is not married so she does not have a husband but she is just 36 years old right now. When she is married she will have a husband.
No reason not to leave him. My ex-sister-in-law did that to my brother & mom. If you absolutely can't take it any more just leave.
Just leave and take the kids with you. Your lawyer will do the rest.
* Sorry to say, but you need to sit up and fly right! To put up with your husband cheating with the same woman for five years is enabling the fact he is having his cake and eat it too. It is 'you' that lacks self confidence enough to give your husband a choice ... you or this other woman. If you don't your husband is wasting 'your' life when you could well be rid of him and get on with your life and meet a man that you really should be with. It is unlikely he will leave suddenly to be with this woman, but, he may just up and leave. Some men who have extra marital affairs will get rid of the wife and leave the mistress for his complete freedom. Time to put the boots to him and give 'him' something to think about!
* This is called 'mental abuse' and it can be just as bad as physical abuse; physical abuse leaves scars you can see, but mental abuse can leave psychological scars that you or others are not aware of. People who 'put down' their partner are actually insecure in themselves. If your husband is not physically abusive to you then it's time you gave yourself a boost in confidence and stood up for yourself and tell him he either gets some counseling (both of you) or the marriage is over. If he refuses then it's to your best interest to leave the marriage because as years pass mental abuse can often turn into physical abuse or the husband can leave without warning.
The husband can not do anything. They can not do anything he just leave because that means the wife was never there for them our for love just for half the time hard to say but MONEY or whatever she wants she then has the power to get whatever she wants she can get anything When my mom did that to my dad, he could not do anything. But us kids didnt want to go with our mom because we knew what she was doing. But the husband cant do anything, and if he does go to court about it.
talk to your husband about what you've just witnessed and if he is nervous about it then something serious could be happening!!
Ignore them!!! I mean, just cut them off!!! Most people will say that when they are ignored, they will just go away. Most people are not 'psycho' and will just move on the the next victim. You just have to be watchful of the ones that will track you down and cause you 'problems' in your present relationship. Most 'want to know' from the start that they are the other person and 'understand' when they are cut off for the husband or wife.This is not the 'best' way to leave a fling... but it is definitely a way....