If your period is two weeks late there are many things that could be happening. The most obvious is pregnancy, but only those that are sexually active should be concerned with the possibility of pregnancy.
Ammenorhhea (the absence of menses) could also be caused if you under eat and/or are overly active. Some marathon runners, gymnasts, and dancers are subject to ammenorhhea but it is also very common in anorexic populations.
2-4 weeks
been on my period for 2 weeks what does that mean
You can take a test anytime 2 weeks after sex.
Your about to start your period in 2 weeks
you have your period
Can u be pregnant if urn on urn period
Then eighter she is pregnant and needs to take a pregnancy test or she may be stressing alot and that causes for her to miss her period
Flu symptoms does not mean you are pregnant. If you had a period after October 30th, you are more than likely not pregnant. I would not worry about this unless you miss a period.
Yes, if you have just started your period then it can take up to two years for it to be completely regulated. After this, a sudden illness or stress can cause it to be late.
unless the next month you miss your period and you dont have one no. Cramping and nausea come with your period
That means you are ovulating.
In two weeks of what? You get pregnancy at fourteenth day of your menses. You can not know the same by this time. You can easily know that you are pregnant by week or ten days after you miss your period.