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Your about to start your period in 2 weeks

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Q: What does it mean when you have stringy discharge?
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When your ovulating is your discharge stringy like?

Yes that's completely normal

When you wipe yourself after peeing and you have alittle bit of stringy mucus does this mean your fertile?

The only time of the month when you have that type of discharge is while you're ovulating, so yes.

Does your discharge have to be white or can it be clear?

It doesn't have to be white, it can be clear and that's normal. Discharge maybe white, stringy, clear, cloudy white and/or yellow when dried on clothing.

Is it normal to have stringy mucus after you pee?

There are times when most young women will experience a slight discharge of what looks like mucus. This can occur after urination, at certain times in the menstrual cycle; it is generally clear, and stringy, as you described, and such a vaginal discharge is generally quite harmless. However, if you have a vaginal discharge that is yellowish or greenish in color, or if it has a strong odor, it may be the sign of an infection. A doctor can easily diagnose and treat it with antibiotics.

What does it mean when you have a thick white discharge 2 weeks before AF and while AF is in town it is thick and stringy instead of being watery?

This might be a sign of an infection so you should really check with a doctor.

What color is implantation bleeding or spotting?

Answer The colour can be red/pink/brown and it can be a spot or blood in discharge really. It can be stringy or thick. Hope I help Pink Princess

What could be causing a stringy discharge and you are a week late for your period?

hey im having same thing im 8 days late and i juss wiped and it was strigy and thick white discharge..anything happen with u ? are u pregnant? thanks

What are some sure signs of whelping?

. Drop in bitches temperature. Visible contractions. Loss of appetite. Shaking. Panting. Nest building. White, stringy, mucus like discharge

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what are stringy moles on your body

What does it mean if you have stringy blood come from a cut?

It means the blood is clotting. That's what it should do.

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