The only slinger I am aware of is that specific Mid-Westrn dinner that consists of: eggs, hashbrowns, and hamburger, covered with chili.
The address of the Slinger Community Library is: 220 Slinger Rd., Slinger, 53086 9586
Star Slinger was born in 1986.
Joey Slinger was born in 1943.
Jonathan Slinger was born in 1972.
The phone number of the Slinger Community Library is: 262-644-6171.
The duration of Slinger's Day is 1800.0 seconds.
Slinger's Day was created on 1986-09-03.
Slinger's Day ended on 1987-10-14.
Richard Slinger was born on 1971-09-16.
Giles Slinger has written: 'Spanning the gap'
G. Slinger has written: 'Compnay law as an instrumen of inclusion'
Hip Young Guitar Slinger was created on 2000-09-04.