

Best Answer

No. check your diet. Eating right has a positive impact on all health issues. Eat more raw foods, and eat a variety. They have enzymes that are necessary for chemical action in the body and the colors have different enzyme's Most processed foods are laden with preservatives and do not contain live enzyme's If you can not pronounce it, don't eat it. I'd leave off dairy products too, unless you are consuming organic grass fed milk products. Wishing you the best of Health

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Q: Is having a period twice a month healthy?
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Is having your period twice a month then spotting a sign of pregnancy?

No. The norm is that when you are pregnant you have no period. See a doctor about your hormones, having your period twice in one month is not normal.

Is having a period twice in a month a sign of pregnancy?

No it is the opposite. Not having one is.

Does having your period twice in one month mean your pregnant?


Is it normal to get your period twice a month?

It's normal to have period twice a month heavily just for 3 days only?

Can women get their periods twice in a month?

A woman can get her period twice a month if she has irregular periods.

What does coming on your period twice the month before and late the month after means?

It means your period is irregular and it may be you just started having a period or have been ill or under stress. If this continues go see your doctor and get some help.

If you had your period twice one month?

is not a problem

You have had your periods twice this month after having a miscarriage last month?


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Can you get pergnent from only taking birth control pills twice in just one month alone?

can you get pergnent if you took birth control pills only twice last month then had your period but had unprotected sex after your period will you get your period the next month??

Can a women have two period and 1 month?

It can be possible that a woman can have a period twice in one month. I would talk to a doctor.

Is it ok for a young girl having her period twice in one month but not have it in the next month?

This sounds quite normal depending on how long you have had your period for. usually in the first year or two periods can be irregular and maybe last for different lengths of time. ofcourse if this persists for a few years it would be best to go and consult a doctor just to make sure you are healthy and safe :D