Well i had the same problem a couple of months ago. This guy i knew had really liked me but i didnt like him back. I tryed for weeks to get him if my back but he wouldn't budge. I got his number from a friend one day and decided to text him how i felt. I told him "I'm sorry but i just don;t feel the same way about you that you feel about me." He understud because he was a understanding kid. If however he doesn;t understand your message make sure you make it clear to him that you don't like hime back. it has worked for me and my friends so i hope it works for you! :D peace
Chat with our AI personalities
I had the same problem. Long story. anyways I didnt want to be mean so when he asked me out I said "sorry I'm just really not interested" or (if you recently had a break up) you could say "sorry but I'm just not ready for another relationship right now" that will make him stop annoying you, but he will probably still like you
Guys have let girls down from the beginning of time. For instance look at Adam and Eve from The Garden of Eden. When Eve was tempted to eat the fruit by the serpent where was Adam. It says after she ate the fruit she turned and gave some to her husband. He was right there and saw all of this unfold the temptation and the giving in to the temptation. And what did he do. Nothing and if he had done something we wouldn't be living like this.
umm you cant get no boy to love you, but you can get them to notice you. So get him to notice you, start being friends and maybe he will start likeing u
likeing vaginas likeing vaginas
NO CAUSE HE IS MINE SO STOP LIKEING HIM OR ELSE ......................................................................................................................... COURNEY ANDERSON SUCKS
no cause she hates her fans it true so stop likeing her she is a stripper
Whenever they start likeing you. But you don't want to go around asking them if they like u. Just wait for the boy to make a move.
usually, yes. the girl doesnt want to be to obvious about likeing the boy, so they chose to not give it awy.
Have a sweet relationship, dont come on to strong with him otherwise he may stop likeing you! be funny and smile LOADS~!!!!!!!!!!!! :) x
just ask people like for like until you get 1000+
I wouldn't be to dorky, maybe try to seem not interested in him, and if you are friends with him try to start getting on his good side and likeing the things he does, even txt him sometimes :)
I would definetly stop likeing him! And let him know you dont like him. Then he will want you back and want your attention and the youll get what you want believe me :)
She flirts, stares, smiles...etc