There are many causes of "sore throat" from viral to bacterial to post nasal drip (PND) from Allergies or irritants, and even include symptoms from some tumors. It can be primarily of the throat/tonsil area - or often a nasal infection which causes mucus to run down the back of the throat can cause inflammation (i.e., PND) and a sore throat.
If the sore throat is due to a bacterial infection (usually causes a high fever), you will need to see a physician for an exam to see if antibiotics are needed.
However, the most frequent cause is a viral infection, like the cold or flu. If due to a virus - there is no "cure". Time will resolve the issue as your immune system tackles the invader. However, you can use some treatments to feel better while that immune response is occurring. This is called symptomatic care (treat the symptoms).
For the pain - aspirin (if older than 19 to avoid Reye's syndrome) or another NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drug) like Tylenol (acetaminophen) and gargling with salty water can relieve the inflammation and pain as well. If you are in significant pain unrelieved by the above suggestions, a local anesthetic, like Chloraseptic sore throat spray, can help, but that is also an indication that it could be bacterial and you should have an exam by your health care professional. For the nasal PND, you might try allergy medicines or a decongestant (ask your pharmacist for suggestions).
See also many more suggestions for getting rid of a sore throat in the related question below.
Take vitamins everyday to build up your immune system and DRINK Orange Juice with Calcium and Vitamin D.
I have never heard of usin iodine to cure a sore throat, but iodine is an anti-infectant, in other words, it kills germs. Despite the fact that the cold is caused by a virus, a sore throat is often caused by bacteria, and so killing them will get rid of the sore throat. However, if you stop the iodine before they are all dead, your sore throat will get worse.
First,you should stop talking for a bit, and if it doesn't cure,see a doctor,you may just have a sore throat.
Pink on agar can indicate the presence of certain bacteria, such as lactose-fermenting coliforms like E. coli. In some media, the pH indicator turns pink when bacteria metabolize lactose, producing acid as a byproduct. This can help in distinguishing different microorganisms based on their metabolic capabilities.
Stop yelling :) Seriously, though, throat lozenges or salt water gargling can help. The sore throat (and the hoarse voice) are caused by rapid and large vibrations in your vocal cords, which causes strain. This usually takes several days to recover your normal voice.
You may have a sore throat, it will go away with time and cough drops help the pain. If it does not improve in a week, go to the doctor.
Tell them to gurgle with salt water or if that doesn't work try throat spray. :)
Give honey a try, works very well with sore throats.
If you do a little to prevent the infection, you won't need to do alot to cure it. If you wash your hands, you stop a strep throat infection. But if you don't, you could get the infection, and have to do alot to stop it.
he was coughing from an hour. coughing can result in TB.
Stop eating them. Drink plenty and time will repair your tongue.
Strep throat is a bacterial infection that requires diagnosis by a doctor who takes a swab of the throat to culture the bacteria and identify it. The remedy for strep throat is antibiotic treatment. Symptoms of sore throat can be helped by gargle of warm salt water and sipping warm tea with lemon and honey. But unless diagnosed and treated properly strep throat can be very dangerous.
No, as it is automatic.