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To digest food properly the liquid in the stomach must be acidic. But too much acidity leads to indigestion. One takes antacids ,which usually contains baking soda or magnesium hydroxide to neutralize the excess acid.

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the tablets have a special coating that breaks down when placed in water and then that's when the tablet starts to fizz.

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14y ago

To stop the production of Hydrochloric acid we use antacid as it acts opposite to the acid. In this way , we can cure it

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Q: Why do antacid tablets dissolve in water?
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Does an antacid tablet evaporate?

No, antacid tablets do not evaporate. They are solid tablets designed to dissolve in water or in the stomach to neutralize excess stomach acid. Evaporation is the process of a liquid turning into a gas, which does not apply to solid antacid tablets.

Is oxygen gas given off when antacid tablets dissolve in water?

No, because that gas is CO2.

What effects does distilled white vinegar have on antacid tablets?

It has a chemical reaction and the antacid starts to dissolve. or When you do the white vinegar with the antacid tablets together the tube/bottle explodes and causes a chemical reaction.

Why does antacid fizz in water?

Antacid tablets contain ingredients such as sodium bicarbonate, which react with water to produce carbon dioxide gas. This gas creates fizzing as bubbles are released, making the tablet dissolve and neutralize excess stomach acid.

When some antacid tablets are added to water do they give off oxygen gas?

Some antacid tablets may contain ingredients that react with water to produce a gas, such as carbon dioxide. However, not all antacid tablets will produce oxygen gas when added to water. It depends on the specific chemical composition of the antacid tablet.

Are Antacid tablets soluble?

Yes, antacid tablets are designed to dissolve in water or in the stomach acid to help neutralize excess stomach acid and provide relief from heartburn and indigestion.

Is there a simple diagram of antacid tablets in the stomach?

How do antacid tablets work?

Do antacid tablets dissolve into luquid solid or gas in the stomach?

Antacid tablets dissolve into the stomach fluid and lower the PH but keeping it an acid. They are turned into more of a liquid than the solid they were prior. Under a microscope the antacid tablet is still in a solid for but it is reduced or diluted by the stomach fluid. A little mare about antacid tablets. Antacid tablets do just what the name suggests. Antacid neutralizes a low PH fluid in your stomach. Neutral PH is 7 on the PH scale. PH of 1 would be hydrochloric acid and others in that PH range. PH of 12 would be something like sudsy water soapy water. If the PH of the stomach fluid gets acidic the PH will drop to a lower number that is considered acidic. You can reduce the acid in your stomach by introducing another acid like vinegar or calcium or salt.

How fast can a salt water dissolve an antacid tablet?

It can take a few minutes to fully dissolve an antacid tablet in salt water, depending on the size of the tablet and the concentration of salt in the water. The effervescence of the antacid tablet will help to speed up the dissolution process.

Is nitrogen given off when antacid tablets are dropped in water?

No, antacid tablets contain ingredients such as calcium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide that react with stomach acid to neutralize it. Nitrogen gas is not a byproduct of this reaction.

When some kinds of antacid tablets are added to water the resulting fizz gives off oxygen gas true or false?

False. The fizz produced when some antacid tablets are added to water is due to the release of carbon dioxide gas, not oxygen gas.

What effect does dissolving antacid tablet have on water temperature?

Dissolving an antacid tablet in water can have an endothermic effect, meaning it absorbs heat from the surroundings and lowers the temperature of the water. This happens because the reaction between the antacid and water requires energy to break the bonds in the tablet and dissolve it.