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Q: Why isn't Walter allowed to attend Eddie's party?
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In American Born Chinese why isn't the Monkey King allowed to attend the party with the other deities?

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Do you have to attend a deposition in California?

If it is a court ordered deposition and YOU are the one being deposed, YES. If you are the "other party" you may attend if you wish but you will not be allowed to pose any questions.

What is a CO2 party?

a party where only CO2 molecules can attend? (:

How long after the death of a parent can a Greek Orthodox person attend a wedding?

A Greek Orthodox person may attend a wedding 40 days after the death of a parent. Though some do not wish to party, and are mourning, they are allowed to go to weddings and parties.

Is alcohol allowed on the party bus?

Yes, alcohol is allowed on the party bus

Can a Jehovah witness attend a work Christmas party?

If they view it as a Christmas party then no, as Christmas is not celebrated. But many Witnesses do attend by viewing it instead as an end of year party.

Meeting that a party members attend to decide polocies?

party caucus. party caucus.

Should you attend the party?

No. Sit this one out.

What to wear for a party?

Dress is the best choice, also it depends on the party you attend.

What individuals was not a member of the Republican Party?

Grover Cleavland and Walter Mandale were not members of the Republican Party.

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Can you attend parties during Lent?

Attending parties during Lent is allowed. However, if you have voluntarily given up something for the Lenten period, you would still be obligated to keep that vow during the party.