I'm afraid not,but I heard the mod works great!! Hope I helped... :)
You cannot have quadruplets in The Sims 3 Pets without third-party mods.
There are no cheats but there are mods
There are no cheats to minecraft. Sorry. But you could download and install mods that can help you get what you want.
Not without mods or being lucky enough to experience a glitch. The Fertility Treatment lifetime reward does NOT allow you to have Quadruplets.
on sims 2 pc, boolprop mod youshift click.
You cannot have quadruplets in The Sims 3 Pets without third-party mods.
without using any mods for your game, your sims can have 2 babies at one time.
just mods basically
not nessisarily cheats more like hacks or mods
One can find mods for the video game Sims 2 on various websites like ModTheSims and ModTheSims2. Both websites offer a great variety of mods for the Sims 2 which can be downloaded for free.
There are currently no cheats, but there are mods and easter-eggs.
IGN.com is good :)
You can download USB mods, but there are no ingame cheats. And USB mods can potentially get you banned from PSN or Xbox LIVE
You can get mods on black ops 2 for ps3 by downloading Black ops 2 Cheats which contains a number of different hacks, cheats, and mods just in one tool.
There are no cheats but there are mods
There is no cheat for being a mermaid (which SUCKS) but there is a mod on The Sims Mods.
If you mean get the game for free, you can't do this legally. The only way to get it for free is to torrent it, which is, for obvious reasons, illegal. If you mean send your sims on vacation for free in the game, there is no way to do this aside from possible game mods, but you can use cheats to get money.