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Sorry you play as a Jedi Exile instead, Revan has left for unknown space to combat the "true Sith" and he never returns. You do see his companions though (HK-47 AND T3-M4 Canderous now called Mandalore are in your party and you can meet Carth and Bastila briefly)

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Q: Can you be revan in kotor 2?
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Kotor 2 is the exile revan?

No, the exile is someone that fought WITH Revan in the Mandalorian Wars. Shortly after returning, he is exiled.

When is the kotor movie revan going to be in theaters?

There is no such movie in developement, there is, however, a book currently being written about Revan.

What is revan's part in kotor 2?

it is very small he does not even say anything he just talked about then you see a vision of him but never meet him.

Is Darth revan in kotor 2?

Yes and No. You encounter him on Korriban in the mysterious tomb but he is nothing more than a vision

What books does Darth revan appear in?

--Update-- Darth Revan can be found in the novel 'Star Wars: The Old Republic - Revan' Along with a countless number of KotOR comic books.

Does the ending in kotor 1 affect kotor 2 in anyway?

Not really. KOTORII follows the story of the Jedi Exile, not Revan, but Canderous (Mandalore), HK-47, and T3-M4 are in your party. Bastila Shan and Carth Onasi have a few cameo appearcences in the game, but are not in your party. Also, you must fight a vision of Malak and Revan on Korriban.

Can you load the first kotor game save to the second?

Sorry this isn't Mass Effect, besides in the first kotor you play as Revan in the second, he ventures off into unknown space so you play as a Jedi Exile instead.

Can you get revan's suit in kotor 1?

You can get his robes on the star forge if you're dark side aligned but anything else is done using mods.

How old is revan?

In KotOR 1, I'de say maybe 30+? Aside from that, Revan lived for well over 300 years, some believe he became Immortal. We don't know anything about his death, or even if he died at all.

Revan mask xbox KOTOR?

you cant get his mask period actually you can it is in the star forge downstairs but you have to be good in order to get it i shoud know iamrevan lol

What hapens to the exile at the end of kotor 2?

if lightside wanders alone into the depths of space to join REVAN in the fight against the true sith empire. If darkside rebuilds and masterminds the sith academy on malacore 5.

Admiral Cede instead of Admiral Onasi. I heard that you only get that after you have played KotOR 1 and chose the dark side but i have never played KotOR 1. Should i start again?

admiral cede will shown if you choose revan alignment when first dialog with atton at the peragus mining facility. if u want to choose admiral cede, just choose that revan go back to korriban and rally the sith to destroy the republic. if you want Carth Onasi, just say anything good about revan to atton at the first dialog. you can choose revan gender too when talking to atton at the first dialog