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No. Sit this one out.

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Q: Should you attend the party
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Why Should Romeo Attend The Capulates Party?

Romeo should attend the Capulet party because it presents an opportunity for him to see Rosaline, the woman he is infatuated with. Additionally, attending the party allows him to socialize, have fun, and potentially distract himself from his unrequited love for Rosaline.

What is a CO2 party?

a party where only CO2 molecules can attend? (:

Can a Jehovah witness attend a work Christmas party?

If they view it as a Christmas party then no, as Christmas is not celebrated. But many Witnesses do attend by viewing it instead as an end of year party.

Meeting that a party members attend to decide polocies?

party caucus. party caucus.

Should you attend a sleep over and a party without adult supervision?

No, people always do stupid things at unsupervised parties.

What should a kid name his political party?

I vote for Freedom Club, Peoples temple, SLA or the Skulls if you will attend Yale

What to wear for a party?

Dress is the best choice, also it depends on the party you attend.

How do you get rid of pimples in hours have to attend a party?


A meeting that party members attend to decide policies and choose candidates to run for office is called a party?

party caucus

What party college could you get into with a 2.7?

if your priority is to attend a party college, this explains why your GPA is 2.7

What things would you enjoy at a party?

The most important thing to enjoying a party is the people who attend it.

What is the verb for attend?

Attend is already a verb because it is an action. As in "to attend something".Other verbs are attends, attending and attended."I will attend the meeting"."We are attending the party"."They attended the photoshoot".