doesn't matter if ur a boy or girl you can have any sex type Pokemon
breed with a boy and girl or a ditto breed with a boy and girl or a ditto
It will show on the Pokemon's information if it is a boy or girl with the female or male symbol. Some Pokemon do not have a gender.
Silver is a boy.
he's not a boy or a girl becuase he's unic and he's a legendary pokemon all legendary pokemon are not boy or girl picachu is legendary and unic but everybody knows that he is a boy o yes another fact about celibi hes the guardin of time and he is the voise of all pokemon
He is a boy.
Bugsy was a male hamster.
I think it is Bugsy for a boy and Lucky for a girl. But it does depend on the colour and type.
breed with a boy and girl or a ditto breed with a boy and girl or a ditto
blousey brown :D
It will show on the Pokemon's information if it is a boy or girl with the female or male symbol. Some Pokemon do not have a gender.
Buck is a boy
Silver is a boy.
There is no difference.