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he's not a boy or a girl becuase he's unic and he's a legendary pokemon all legendary pokemon are not boy or girl picachu is legendary and unic but everybody knows that he is a boy o yes another fact about celibi hes the guardin of time and he is the voise of all pokemon

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Q: Is Celebi from Pokemon a boy or girl?
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Is the Pokemon Celebi a girl?

No, Celebi is a genderless Pokemon.

How do you got zorua on Pokemon White?

you have to get the action reply code to get celebi then go to the 3rd city and go in a building that has a girl looking at a boy talk to the boy and celebi will come out of its pokeball and zorua will appear

Is Celebi a girl?

yes i think celebi is a girl actually its a mystery no one really knows except for the owner of pokemon so ya but celebi might be a girl just ask the owner of pokemon

How do you get a zoura in Pokemon White?

IN ORDER TO DO THIS YOU MUST HAVE THE CELEBI THAT NINTENDO GAVE OUT. You can get zorua in pokemon white by heading to Castelia City. You must have Celebi in your party and one space in it. One of the buildings has a little girl next to a small boy. Talk to the boy and he will react to the Celebi in your party. He will transform and reveal that he is a male zorua. He will join your team if you have one space in your party.

What is Pokemon number 76 in Pokemon white?

Zorua, you can get it if you have celebi or if you breed a Zorark. With celebi you must talk to the lady in castelia city in one of the towers who is standing beside a boy

Is Celebi a boy?

In the games Celebi is genderless, but in the movie "Pokemon: 4 Ever" they call it "Prince of the Forest." So in Anime I believe so, in Pokemon games not so much.

Where is the Pokemon zorua?

the Pokemon zorua is in castailea city-disguised as a boy. you can only activate the event with the event celebi.

How do you catch Celebi on Pokemon gold for Game Boy?

You can only get it through Nintendo events. (Sorry:)

How do you get Celebi in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire on Game Boy?

im not very sure if u ca catch celebi in sapphire you can oly catch in emerald sorry.

What Pokemon game has Celebi on the front?

The game that has the Pokemon celebi on it is POKEMON NARANJA look for it on Google

What number Pokemon is Celebi?

Celebi is #251.

Can Celebi defeat Dark magician girl?

No way cuz Pokemon are WEAKER than Yugioh.