breed with a boy and girl or a ditto breed with a boy and girl or a ditto
it will be the female Pokemon
No, because it is a legendary.
yes you can
No you don't.
you can breed it with a ditto( found at route 218 after you have the natianal dex.) or breed it with another ponyta depending on the breed. if it is a boy breed it with a girl, if it is a girl breed it with a boy.
Any Pokemon that can breed, can breed with Ditto.
No its just the easiest Pokemon to breed with.
mudkip,treeko and torchick.
you can't
it will be the female Pokemon
Almost about any Pokemon can be breeded with Ditto. You can breed it with Eevee, and Phione, and a lot more!
Get It To Breed In The Daycare And Talk To The Man Outside. (alot of Pokemon breed with ditto)
NOPE, not in Pokemon pearl.
Action Replay.
No, because it is a legendary.