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No, because it is a legendary.

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Q: Pokemon pearl can you breed heatran?
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Related questions

Who is the best Pokemon you can find in Pokemon Pearl?

the best Pokemon you can catch in Pokemon pearl is heatran

What type is heatran in Pokemon Pearl?

Heatran is a Fire / Steel type

Can you really get heatran on Pokemon Pearl?

Yes you can. You can get Heatran on both Daimond and Pearl. Heatran is located at Stark Mountain. Heatran will be Lv. 70. Good Luck catching him!

What fire Pokemon can you find in the wildon Pokemon pearl?


In Pokemon LeafGreen can you get heatran?

No. It was introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Pokemon Pearl legandaries?

The legendaries in Pokemon pearl are Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Cresselia and Heatran.

How do you get heatran in Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can't. You need to get Heatran from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and then trade to heartgold and soulsilver.

What do you do after catching heatran on Pokemon pearl?

battle with her (heatran's a girl) or trade it or use it in a contest.

Can you breed heatran in Pokemon diamond?

No. Even though Heatran can be male or female it still cannot breed as it is not in any egg group. Legendary Pokemon cannot breed (with the exception of Manaphy, which can breed for Phione).

What happens at the vulcano at Pokemon Pearl?

you find the legendary Pokemon heatran

How can you capture heatran in Pokemon pearl?

stark mountain

In Pokemon pearl do you have to catch heatran with a great ball?
