No. Even though Heatran can be male or female it still cannot breed as it is not in any egg group. Legendary Pokemon cannot breed (with the exception of Manaphy, which can breed for Phione).
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No. It was introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
You can't. You need to get Heatran from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and then trade to heartgold and soulsilver.
No, because it is a legendary.
He should be in his house. fact no Legendary Pokemon can breed except Rotom.
you find heatran in starkmountain
catch other Pokemon
not if you kill it
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No. It was introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
No, there is only 1 Heatran in Pokémon Diamond.
You can't. You need to get Heatran from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and then trade to heartgold and soulsilver.
No, because it is a legendary.