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yes i think celebi is a girl actually its a mystery no one really knows except for the owner of pokemon so ya but celebi might be a girl just ask the owner of pokemon

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Is the Pokemon Celebi a girl?

No, Celebi is a genderless Pokemon.

How do you get zoura?

You go into a bildung in hiun city with a celebi you transfered then talk to a lost girl and she is zoura

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No way cuz Pokemon are WEAKER than Yugioh.

How do you get a zorua in Pokemon white?

Use the Poke Relocator to get the most recent Event Celebi onto White (no other Celebi works). Go to the girl in Castelia City who you talked to to register Zorua in your pokedex. Make sure there's a space in your team and you have Celebi in hand, along with at least one pokeball of any kind. If your Celebi and Zorua get on happily, Zorua is yours.

How do you get celebi on white?

You cant... You have to trade Celebi, or hack it from Action Replay DSi. That's what i did with my shiny celebi... but not my first celebi. I traded my first Celebi.

How do you got zorua on Pokemon White?

you have to get the action reply code to get celebi then go to the 3rd city and go in a building that has a girl looking at a boy talk to the boy and celebi will come out of its pokeball and zorua will appear

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You can not get a celebi egg!

Where do you catch a Celebi in pearl?

Celebi is unotainable Only through an event in which u can get Celebi

What number Pokemon is Celebi?

Celebi is #251.

Celebi ROCKS are you with Celebi?

why do u care?

How do you get Celebi on Pokemon?

You can only get Celebi through a pokémon event. Otherwise you have to trade with someone who has a Celebi

How do you get Celebi in gold?

u cant get celebi in gold