Age: Unknown (I think)
Location: Snowpoint city
Master of: Ice type Pokemon
Candice's Weakness:Fire type, Rock type, Fighting type and Steel type
(So like, Infernape/Rapidash, Golem, Lucario, Steelix. Example Pokemon that should be able to defeat Candice)
The first gym in Pokemon diamond is in Oreburgh City
pryce the ice type gym leader
the seventh gym badge snowpoint gym
a gym leader can't teach a Pokemon that move but you have to defeat the 6 gym leader in order to teach that move
in the forest by the 2 gym leader
the best way to beat the 7th gym leader is with a fire type Pokemon
She uses Snover, Sneasel, Medicham, and Abomasnow.
that's easy... abomasnow, weavile, snover and sneasel
The seventh gym leader in Pokemon Diamond is located in Snowpoint City. Her specialty is Ice type Pokemon, so make sure and have a powerful Fire type. Good luck!
snowpiont city snowpiont city snowpiont city snowpiont city
In the mahogany gym
The seventh gym leader is Candice, the Ice Type leader. She is at Snowpoint City.
The first gym in Pokemon diamond is in Oreburgh City
You go on to defeat the eight gym leader.
The Pokémon the second Gym Leader has in "Diamond" are Cherubi, Turtwig and Roserade.
pryce the ice type gym leader
The 7th leader is Blaine. He uses fire pokemon.