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pryce the ice type gym leader

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Q: Where is the seventh gym in Pokemon Crystal?
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Where is the seventh gym leader in Pokemon Crystal?

In the mahogany gym

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in mohogany town where the seventh gym is at

How do you get the seventh badge in Pokemon Crystal?

You have to beat the gym leader, Pryce, in Mahogany City.

Where is the seventh gym in Pokemon black?

the seventh gym is at sekka city

Where do you get the seventh gym badge in Pokemon gold?

In gym number seven

In Pokemon Crystal how do you get into the eighth gym leaders gym?

you capture the ledgon dariy Pokemon

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Chuck's gym.........

In pokemon crystal where is the 5th gym?

The 5th Gym is in Cianwood City.

Where is the seventh gym in Pokemon HeartGold?

mahogany town

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What are the levels of the third gym leader in Pokemon liquid crystal?

liquid crystal? do you mean Pokemon crystal if its Pokemon crystal the levels are 19 20 and 23

Where do you find the seventh gym leader in Pokemon pearl?

The seventh gym leader is Candice, the Ice Type leader. She is at Snowpoint City.