a gym leader can't teach a Pokemon that move but you have to defeat the 6 gym leader in order to teach that move
The first gym in Pokemon diamond is in Oreburgh City
in the forest by the 2 gym leader
go into oreburgh mine and talk to gym leader
easy if you want to challage the Pokemon leader you have to go to the light house and go to the top and find the gym leader then you challage the leader get the HM then you go to the Pokemon league
She's the gym leader of Hearthome City and an user of ghost Pokemon.
you have to get the hm strength then beat the gym leader in canalave city
After you beat the sixth gym leader, you are allowed to use strength which moves the boulders.
get hm strength from iron island beat the gym leader in canalave teach strength to 1 of your Pokemon in your party and there you go
First if you mean strength you must beat the gym leader in pastoria city and she will give the HM strength. Then you teach to a Pokemon and you can use it. If you mean stealth rock you can teach it to a Pokemon if you have the TM for it or sometimes your Pokemon will learn it. I hope this is helpful
Go to snowpoint city through Mt. Cornet. It will be snowy there. Battle the gym leader.
You can get the HM Strength after you beat the 7th Gym Leader, Byron. He will give you the HM immediately after defeating him.
The Pokémon the second Gym Leader has in "Diamond" are Cherubi, Turtwig and Roserade.
The first gym in Pokemon diamond is in Oreburgh City
in the forest by the 2 gym leader
hearthome city leader