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well, personally I would say garchomp because it is dragon type (powerful) and has evolutions so it gets stronger as heracross doesnt. secondly, heracross is much more rare than garchomp, or gible(you cant catch wild garchomp).thirdly champion Cynthia's most powerful Pokemon is a garchomp and is really dangerous- garchomps speed and attack stats are deadly and probably the most powerful in the sinnoh-dex. I say garchomp is the best Pokemon in the sinnoh dex battle-wise.

Infernape and drapion are also tough.

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Q: Which is better Garchomp or Heracross?
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Garchomp Because Garchomp is a Dragon type. Garchomp knows Better attacks than tyranitar . He also has more hp than tyranitar if the trainer diddn't put Hp ups.Tyranitar is still good but not as good as garchomp. They both have to be level 100 to make this a good answer.

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It is garchomp because garghomp is more powerful dont deny me ive versed a typhlosion lv100 and my garchomp smashed it

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Garchomp is Dragon and Ground. This makes him better than most dragons (Dragonite, Salamence, etc.) because electric attacks have no effect on him whatsoever.

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well bellossom has a good sp def. and it doesnt have a double weakness, but heracross and scizor have really good attacks and scizor has better defenses than heracross overall i'd choose scizor