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I think Lucario.

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Q: Which Pokemon is better for e4 staraptor Heracross mismagius Spiritomb gyrados Garchomp Gengar Lucario luxray weaville or rampardos?
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I would reccommend a Staraptor or Rampardos. Rampardos has the ability to learn any move, no matter what the type, so can be used as just about any type. Staraptor learns close combat and brave bird by level 50, which are both awesome moves, your choice.

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heracross infernape staraptor machoke/champ/chop pretty much any fight type

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Well the best Pokemon would be. Infernape, Rhyperior, Scizor, Kabutops, Feraligatr, Luxray, Rampardos, Staraptor, Garchop and Lucario

What Pokémon does your rivel have in Pokémon pearl?

his main Pokemon can be torterra/empoleon/infernape depending on your first Pokemon. He also has staraptor, heracross, floatzel, snorlax, and roserade

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Well, Cynthia (the champion) has Spiritomb, Roserade, Garshomp, Gastrodon, Lucario, and Milotic. I chose Infernape, Roserade, Luxray, Staraptor, and Gastrodon.