Well the best Pokemon would be. Infernape, Rhyperior, Scizor, Kabutops, Feraligatr, Luxray, Rampardos, Staraptor, Garchop and Lucario
honchkrow/staraptor (aaron), infernape/rapidash (aaron), leafeon/roserade/torterra (bertha), empoleon/floatzel (flint), honchkrow/spiritomb (lucian), glaceon/abomasnow (cynthia's garchomp)
Ash's staraptor is a girl
aaahh a good question she most definetely has a spiritomb which has weaknesses in dark type,and i can beat him with move grass knot for 4 or 3 times. i beat him with my starter. her signature Pokemon is garchomp which u need a good ice Pokemon to beat i recommend jynx she also has a milotic i recommend luxray if u hav it she also has gastrodon pretty weak stay with luxray or torterra she also has a lucario now staraptor or pshycic Pokemon to finish it off theres a roserade if u hav it finish her off with in infernape or rapidash or u can stay with staraptor this is the order she used on me she may change it 4 u :spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,garchomp,lucario,roserade. and this is in order of strongest to weakest :garchomp,lucario,spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,roserade. plz give me any more pokequestions u have
Staraptor learns Brave Bird at Level 49.
If you started with Chimchar, he'll have: Empoleon, Snorlax, Heracross, Staraptor, Roserade, and Rapidash. If you started with Turtwig, he'll have: Infernape, Staraptor, Floatzel, Rapidash, Roserade, Heracross, and Snorlax. If you started with Piplup, he'll have: Torterra, Rapidash, Floatzel, Staraptor, Heracross, and Snorlax.
Basically any well rounded team: Bad Team Good Team Gyarados Torterra Empoleon Gengar Staraptor Rampardos Manaphy Weavile Crobat Spiritomb Mantine Gallade
Staraptor Snorlax Roserade Rapidash Heracross Starter
kind a
Floatzel Snorlax Heracross Roserade Staraptor Empoleon/Torterra/Infernape
Empoleon, Diagla, spiritomb, staraptor, golem/steelix, rapidash or giratina
I would reccommend a Staraptor or Rampardos. Rampardos has the ability to learn any move, no matter what the type, so can be used as just about any type. Staraptor learns close combat and brave bird by level 50, which are both awesome moves, your choice.
heracross infernape staraptor machoke/champ/chop pretty much any fight type
Well the best Pokemon would be. Infernape, Rhyperior, Scizor, Kabutops, Feraligatr, Luxray, Rampardos, Staraptor, Garchop and Lucario
his main Pokemon can be torterra/empoleon/infernape depending on your first Pokemon. He also has staraptor, heracross, floatzel, snorlax, and roserade
Well, Cynthia (the champion) has Spiritomb, Roserade, Garshomp, Gastrodon, Lucario, and Milotic. I chose Infernape, Roserade, Luxray, Staraptor, and Gastrodon.