Well the best Pokemon would be.
Infernape, Rhyperior, Scizor, Kabutops, Feraligatr, Luxray, Rampardos, Staraptor, Garchop and Lucario
Best non-legendary water pokemon would be Gyarados. Best legendary water pokemon is Kyogre.
Zekrom is the best electric legendary Pokemon period. Its not a opinion, its a dead fact.
The best legendary fire type is ho-oh. The best non-legendary fire type Pokemon is charizard.
suicune is top legendary dog just play Pokemon crystal and you'll see.
Well there is no such thing as the best legendary, everybody has his own tastes. The higher leveled legendary you find here is Mewtwo.
there are many legendary Pokemon in Pokemon heartgold, but the best is HO-OH
The best Legendary Pokemon with the best stats is none other than Mewtwo.
Best non-legendary water pokemon would be Gyarados. Best legendary water pokemon is Kyogre.
Zekrom is the best electric legendary Pokemon period. Its not a opinion, its a dead fact.
well that depends if your looking for the best legendary Pokemon. best Legendary: Groudon is a really good Pokemon when it learns fichse. but id have to say groudon is the best
The best legendary fire type is ho-oh. The best non-legendary fire type Pokemon is charizard.
The best non legendary Pokemon, or the best Pokemon in general, is a matter of opinion that depends on your prefered type. Ask anyone and they will give you a different answer. However, the non legendary Pokemon with the highest attack is rampardos, who is not in emerald.
a lot of legendary Pokemon
use your best pokemon and pokeballs
That is Alakazam