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i would say garchomp because it is ground and it can use dragon rush.

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Q: Which is better salamence or garchomp?
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Garchomp or salamence?


Which is better Tyranitar salamence or Garchomp you want the strongest one?

definitely garchomp, you need him to get regirock

What type is garchomp?

Garchomp is Dragon and Ground. This makes him better than most dragons (Dragonite, Salamence, etc.) because electric attacks have no effect on him whatsoever.

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Garchomp and the Dragonnite of Hoenn is Salamence.

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There are only 5, which are: Dragonite Salamence Garchomp Tyranitar Metagross

What do you recommend Garchomp salamence or Dragonite Pokemon?

these are all great pokemon but i would have to go with garchomp. he's the fastest and has the most power! HOPE THIS HELPS

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Jellicent: Yes Emboar: Yes Jolteon: No Solosis: Yes Garchomp: No Salamence: Yes

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