It is garchomp because garghomp is more powerful dont deny me ive versed a typhlosion lv100 and my garchomp smashed it
It's better to have a high Typhlosion level
Depends on the moves you teach them
Garchomp is a dual-type Dragon/Ground pokémon.
Garchomp is probably a better Pokemon. Although ho-oh is a legendary, Garchomp has better stats. It is quicker with higher attack.
For me best pokemons are: arceus charizard darkrai garchomp feraligatr giratina lugia ho-oh mewtwo typhlosion
I think you need either a flying or electric pokemon. Zapdos is a good choice, if you can get it.
It's better to have a high Typhlosion level
kind a
Typhlosion is a Fire type pokemon.
Depends on the moves you teach them
Garchomp, for he is a dragon type and he has ice, fire, dragon, normal, and a lot more different typed moves rather than hippowdown,