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The Dome fossil gives you a Kabuto, and if you evolve it, it will be stronger. However, the Helix fossil will give you Omanyte, a rarer Pokemon. This gives you the option of choosing between a rare or strong Pokemon.

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Q: Which fossil gives you a better Pokemon in Pokemon Yellow?
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How do you get kabuto and omanyte in Pokemon Yellow?

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In the first bit of relic castle talk to the woman she gives you the choice of plume(archen) or cover(tirtouga) fossil

What fossils are on Pokemon Diamond?

So far I have found old amber - aerodactyl, helix fossil - Omanyte , claw fossil - Anorith, skull fosssil - Cranidos. I'm still looking for move i'l write back if there's more.there is the fossil that gets you sheidonThe fossil that gives you shieldon is an armor fossilSheildon's fossil- the armor fossil- canonly be found in Pokemon Pearl.

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it gives flavor