In the first bit of relic castle talk to the woman she gives you the choice of plume(archen) or cover(tirtouga) fossil
no you cant but i will tell you witch is the strongest it is archen the plume fossil
A man in the first floor of the Relic castle will offer you the choice of a Cover fossil or a Plume Fossil.
There is a lady with a backpack on she gives you either a plume fossil(Archen) or a cover fossil(tirtouga)
When you go to relic castle a person will say "Holding these Pokemon Fossils is too much weight. Would you like one?" Then, you have a choice of which one to choose. I have Pokemon black and white, so i got both. The Plume Fossil gives you Archen, and the Cover Fossil gives you Tirtouga. Once you receive your fossil, go to the museum in Nacrene City and talk to the woman on the left.
Cover Fossil is Tirtouga. Plume Fossil is Archen.
Tirtouga from the Cover fossil, and Archen from the Plume fossil.
At the Relic Castle, you need to take the Plume Fossil. If you take the other Fossil you cannot get Archen.
no you cant but i will tell you witch is the strongest it is archen the plume fossil
you get the pre evelution of archeops
The plume fossil is a fossil that contains the Pokemon archen but you can either get the plume fossil or the cover fossil from this guy in the relic castle.
A man in the first floor of the Relic castle will offer you the choice of a Cover fossil or a Plume Fossil.
you must go to the second or third gym (with the museum in it) and talk to the person on the right when you enter. she will turn your fossil into a pokemon.
There is a lady with a backpack on she gives you either a plume fossil(Archen) or a cover fossil(tirtouga)
Yes, you can get one from the backpacker girl in Relic Castle. Just choose the Plume Fossil.
The only fossils that can be found in the Relic Castle are the Plume Fossil which is the Archen Fossil and the Cover Fossil which is the Tirtouga Fossil but you can only select one.