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Abra can be found on the Route east of Jubilife City. However, Abra only Teleports, so try putting him to Sleep,Freeze or Paralyze him. You can also use Chimchar's Taunt. There is also a person in Oreburgh City who trades you Abra for a Machop.

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Q: Where to find Abra in Pokemon pearl?
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Where is the girl you trade for an Abra in Pokemon pearl?

in oreburg

Where can you find a alakazam egg on Pokemon pearl?

an egg wouldn't hatch as alakazam. it would hatch as an Abra. then i think you know where to go from there, if you can.

Is there a move called teleportation Pokemon pearl?

Yes, Teleport. Ralts and Abra have them.

Where do you get a kadabra in Pokemon pearl?

You have to catch an Abra at a mt. cornet cave opening and train it.

Where do you find Abra in Pokemon?

Abra is everywhere when you first start your journey, on Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum. They hang around rught by Sandgem town and Twinleaf, but be carefull when trying to catch one, they might just teleport away:)In leaf green to find abra you go past nugget bridge and walk to your left. Then search the grass to the left near the water of nugget bridge to find abra. It may take you awhile especially since abra is evasive by using teleport which is the only move it knows when you first catch it.

What Pokemon can you find at route 222 in Pokemon diamond?

maybe a Abra and that

Where do you find Abra in Pokemon Yellow?

You buy it at the coin exchange

What level does Abra evolve at in fire red for the Game Boy?

It Dos Not Tell you in Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum

Where to get a Abra in Pokemon black?

you can only get Abra by Pokemon transfer or trading

In Pokemon Pearl where do you find Dialga?

you do not find dialga in Pokemon pearl

Is Abra rare?

Yes, due to the fact Abra is hard to find and relatively difficult to capture, Abra is considered a rare pokemon. The strength of its evolved forms, Kadabra and Alakazam also add to its classification as a rare pokemon.

Were can you find Abra in Pokemon gold version?

in golden rod city