The z button is on the nunchuk controller it usually doesn't come into a lot of use it usually just helps you look around in certain games or execute moves that you could of done a different way or sometimes Z helps execute moves you cannot use.
There is not a z button on the wii remote but there is one on the external controller nunchuk right at the front of it next to the C button
On the regular wii no but on the new wii u yes
The shield button is the Z button on the Nunchuck controller. The Z button is below the C button.
open the bak of the controller (where the batteries go) and find the little red button. go to the wii & open the little cover at the front (where a sd card goes and find red button hold them both down simultaneously and wa-lah!! ;D
The action button is a button on your controller that accesses buttons, controls, basically, ANYTHING that the game will let you do. On PlayStation, the action button is The square button. On Xbox, it is the x button. On wii it is the A button, ds, wii, and PC, I am not sure.
There is not a z button on the wii remote but there is one on the external controller nunchuk right at the front of it next to the C button
There are only two buttons on the Wii Nunchuk: The Z button and the C button. There is also the control stick.
Gamecube controller and you have to hold down R after you select Samus and keep holding it until you get to the stage selection. On the On Wii Remote with Nunchuk you have to hold the Z button. On On Wii Remote hold the minus (-) button. What controller do you use?
It's the home button!
On the regular wii no but on the new wii u yes
The Z button also known as the Zed button or Zed trigger is located on the back of the Nintendo 64 Controller.
The shield button is the Z button on the Nunchuck controller. The Z button is below the C button.
the arrow button thingy
Z? did you mean: Z button? there is a Z button on the nunchuk contoller of the wii there are z buttons on Nintendo 64 and gamecube controllers
For more information view instruction manual or video game options and superstar managementNunchuck And Wii Remote- C+Z (when standing next to opponent)Wii Classic Controller- a button (when standing next to opponent)Nintendo Gamecube Controller- X button (when standing next to opponent)
No there is not. But there is one on the WII Numchuck
Well, when you get to a turn, press B (It works on the GameCube Controller, Wii Remote, and Classic Controller). But, when you have the Nunchuk, press Z.