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Q: Where is the girl you trade for an Abra in Pokemon pearl?
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What do you do after catching heatran on Pokemon pearl?

battle with her (heatran's a girl) or trade it or use it in a contest.

Were do you find haunter the Pokemon in Pokemon pearl?

Haunters can be found in the old cheatu at the end of Enterna forest and you can get it in a trade in with a girl in snowpoint city for a medicham.

Where can find Machop in Pokemon Platinum?

You can capture a Machop in Mount Coronet. You can also obtain them on routes, 206, 207, 210, 211, and 208. In Oreburgh city you can trade that Machop with some girl to get an abra.

Which npc in the game can you trade Pokemon with and where are they on Pokemon diamond?

There is a girl in snowpoint city who will give you a Haunter for a Medicham. A boy in Entrana city who will give you a Chatot for a Buizel. hope i havent missed any. ya, you did :) in oreburgh there is a girl that will give you an Abra for a machop. i know there is a bunch more but im still looking for them myself :)

In Pokemon diamond who can you trade with in the game?

There's a girl in Oreburgh City who wants a machop, a boy in Eterna City who wants Buizel, and there's a lady in Snowpoint City who wants a Medicham. The girl will give you an Abra, the boy will give you a Chatot, and the lady will give you a Haunter.

How do you get a girl chimchar in the johto region in Pokemon games heart gold and soul silver?

you dont get girl chimchar in heartgold or soulsilver you can trade from either platinum, diamond , or pearl and up my bum!

Who is the main girl in Pokemon Sinnoh?

I believe that is Dawn, she looks like the playable girl in Pokemon Pearl and Diamond.

How do you breed sarter Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl?

breed with a boy and girl or a ditto breed with a boy and girl or a ditto

How do you trade from diamond to soul silver?

u cant because ranger has no Pokemon center for u to go in and trade Pokemon and if u could trade your team on the Pokemon versions would be really strong,so 2 sum it up U CAN'T......................

Where do you trade for Mr mime in Pokemon leaf green?

First, catch an Abra. Abra is obtainable two ways: On route 24 (above cerulean city) there is grass to the left of the bridge where you can find Abra, or you can purchase an Abra at the celadon city game corner using your game corner coins. Still can't get it? Get one from ruby or sapphire or emerald. then go to route 2 (the one above viridian forest, below viridian city) use cut right next to Diglets cave. then go down use cut again, keep on going down until you see a house go in. go to the girl in the back and trade your Abra for a Mr. mime. (ithink the girl will trade it for the same level of your Abra)

Where is misdrevaus in Pokemon Pearl?

in the forest with hat girl with the chansey

Where is a farfech d in Pokemon?

In Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow/Green/Fire Red/Leaf Green version a girl in Vermillion city will trade you one if you give her a Spearow. In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl version, it a swarm on Route 221.