you must trade shaymin from flower paridise in Pokemon diamond or pearl to platinum. then, go to the blonde girl in the middle of floraroma town and talk to her with shaymin in the front of you party. then equip it to shaymin and you have shaymin sky forme!
you can't you can only get it on Pokemon platinum
You can't. It is specific to Platinum.
If I'm correct, the Gracidea flower cannot be obtained in Pokemon Diamond. Sorry! (Note: The Gracidea can be obtained in Pokemon Platinum.)
It is impossible to find the Gracidea Flower in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. It is available in Platinum.
Blow into the Mic on your DS to blow the petals away.
You get it in Flororama Town and talk to a blonde lady and she will give yoou the gacidea if you have a shaymin in your party.(NOTE:It MUST be an event Shaymin)
the gracidea flower
you can't you can only get it on Pokemon platinum
This is a rumor of how to get it.
Nintendo event
talk to the lady near the honey man and you get a flower
route 224. {flower paridise}
Somewhere in floaroma town
You can't. It is specific to Platinum.
Flower Paradise (requires Oak's Letter)
North of the Pokemon league (Take the seabreak path)
YesYou Can Get Shaymin Sky Form In Pokemon Platinum With A Cheat Code That Is A Special Flower.