In HeartGold and SoulSilver, you can access the 1st floor of Silph Co. as soon as you enter Saffron City however you can't go into the elevator in order to get to the 2nd floor unless you have a Rotom as your lead Pokemon.
You can receive it from Steven in Silph.
he is in the pewter museum and in silph co
in the silph co. building.
In Heart Gold and Soul Silver:He appears after reaching Kanto for the first timeHe tells you about one of the Lati@s pair while you help out CopycatAfter defeating Red, he will be in Silph Co. to offer you a Hoenn starter pokémon.
You can't.
Steven is in Silph Co. in Saffron city
You can receive it from Steven in Silph.
He is at the Silph company.
he is in the pewter museum and in silph co
Go to Vermillion city. Walk into and out of the Pokemon fan club. You should see Steven there. If you already done that, it must be something wrong with your game.
After you meat Steven for the first time in Pokemon soul silver/heart gold, go to Silph Co. and talk to Steven again. then chose the red stone and make sure you have a empty spot in you party and you will receive torchic
No, you don't battle Steven in HG/SS.
He does not appear anywhere else
in the silph co. building.
You can do many things, you can get the hoenn starters by talking to steven stone in silph co you can catch groudon by talking to mr Pokemon then going to the embedded tower( on the route to the safari zone) trde kyogre with a friend with Pokemon heart gold and talk to oak to get a rayquaza
In Heart Gold and Soul Silver:He appears after reaching Kanto for the first timeHe tells you about one of the Lati@s pair while you help out CopycatAfter defeating Red, he will be in Silph Co. to offer you a Hoenn starter pokémon.
You can't.