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In Heart Gold and Soul Silver:

  • He appears after reaching Kanto for the first time
  • He tells you about one of the Lati@s pair while you help out Copycat
  • After defeating Red, he will be in Silph Co. to offer you a Hoenn starter pokémon.
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Q: Where is steven stone in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Where do you battle steven stone Pokemon soul sliver?

You can't battle Steven in Pokemon SoulSilver or HeartGold.

How do you get lati in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can get latios after you meet Steven, and latias through the enigma stone event.

How do you trade with steven in Pokemon SoulSilver?

After you get your Hoenn starter and speak to Steven in the Pewter Museum, Steven will be in the Silph Co. bottom floor. He has a Beldum with a Dawn Stone to trade for a Forretress.

When does steven talk to you at the pewter city muesem in Pokemon soulsilver?

After activating the no longer active Enigma Stone wifi event.

Can you battle steven stone in Pokemon soulsilver?

Yes you can. Don't believe anyone why says that you can't because I know for a fact that you can.

How do you fight steven stone in soulsilver?

i dont think you can

Can you battle steven on Pokemon SoulSilver?

Steven isn't battleable in the game.

How do you get a legend stone in Pokemon SoulSilver?

There is no such thing as a legend stone in pokemon.

Where is sceptile in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Sceptile cannot be found in SoulSilver, but its pre-evolved form, Treecko, can be chosen from Steven Stone at Silph Co in Saffron City after defeating Red on Mt. Silver.

Where is steven when he gives you beldum in Pokemon soulsilver?

In Saffron City

When do you get to beat steven in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you cant beat steven in pokemon soul silver only in emerald,ruby and sapphire

Why is the Hoenn champion in Pokemon HeartGold?

Steven Stone is in Heartgold and Soulsilver because he tells you that Latias or Latios (depending on your version) is flying around and able to be caught.