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You can receive it from Steven in Silph.

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Q: How do you get trecko in Pokemon hearrt gold?
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How do you get trecko in Pokemon white can anyone give me trecko an mudkip for pokemon white?

You can not trade it if you have another ds and a game that has treck and mud kip

Where is trecko on Pokemon Pearl?

You cannot get Trecko in Diamond or Pearl unless you migrate it from Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald.

What are the specific Pokemon that only come from Sapphire that you can migrate to Diamond?

Trecko,Torchic ,mudcip,Kioger,and rereqarser

What level does trecko evolve?

trecko evolvesat level 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 no its level 16.

What over Pokemon would o need to beat Watson if you started with trecko in emerald?

Nincada or ninjask that knows Dig.

Is shinx a starter Pokemon?

no the starter Pokemon are.... Piplup, Mudkip, Totodile, and Squirtle - these are water types Chimchar, Torchic, Cyndaquil, and Charmander - these are fire types Turtwig, Trecko, Chickorita, and Bulbasaur - these are water types

How do you become trecko in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness?

you don't get to chose you have to answer questions i don't know the questions you must answer though. You can stuck with a variety of pokemon just randomly picked based on the answers of you questions.

What is a good nickname for a grass type Pokemon?

Trecko: Asbo Budew: Spud Turtwig: Sprout Snivy: Boa Shroomish: Forrest Bulbasaur: Gorge Chikorita: Mallow

When does trecko evolve?

Trecko evolves at lvl 16 into Grovyle. Grovyle evolves into Sceptile at lvl 36. You cancel the evolving process any time by pressing B.

What is the best leaf Pokemon in ruby?

Well if you ment GRASS Pokemon in ruby the best is the first one you can get from proffesser Oak, trecko, who evolves to groovyle on lvl. 15-16 and then sceptile on lvl. 36. Sceptile is far the srtongest grass typer Pokemon EVER!!! (in ruby)

What level does Trecko evolve at?

I think it evolves at level 16.

What is the difference between Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon Gold?

Pokemon Heart gold is different from Pokemon Gold cuz heart gold has better graphics new Pokemon and new events