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he is in the pewter museum and in silph co

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Q: Where is steven stone in heart gold?
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When can Steven Stone be battled in heart Gold and Soul Silver?

I don't believe that you get to fight Steven.

Is heart of stone was a heart of gold a simile?

A heart of gold itself is an expression relating to someone kind. "They have a heart of gold".

Will you ever battle steven in Pokemon heart gold?

No, you don't battle Steven in HG/SS.

Does steven give you a hoen starter in Pokemon Heart Gold?

yes but you have to defeat red up at Mt. Silver and you have to have all 16 badges he test you if you want treecko -(Green stone) Torchic -(Red Stone) and Mudkip- (Blue stone)

Where is the dusk stone and shinny stone in heart gold?

At the pokeathalon

Where do you find stone edge in heart gold?

its in the edge of the stone

Where is steven in Pokemon heart gold so you can get the the hoen starters?

Steven is in Silph Co. in Saffron city

Where is Steven after you meet him in pewter city in heart gold?

He is at the Silph company.

Where to find steven after trading him fortrees in heart gold?

~Up your butt!~

Can you get leafon in heart gold?

No you can not. You have to be near a moss stone or something like that and heart gold and soul silver does not have it.

Where is the dusk stone and shiny stone in heart gold?

Up your rear end

Where do you meet Steven after trading a fortress for a beldum in heart gold?

he went to your house!!