In order of how he wants to see them (based on Heart Gold and Soul Silver):
Gold/Heart Gold:
Oddish - Leaf Stone
Growlithe - Fire Stone
Pichu - Thunderstone
Jigglypuff - Everstone
Marill - Water Stone
Silver/Soul Silver:
Lickitung - Everstone
Oddish - Leaf Stone
Staryu - Water Stone
Vulpix - Fire Stone
Pichu - Thunderstone
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Bill's Grandpa wants to see oddish and growlithe
its an odish, when you show it to him he will give you a leaf Stone doesn't get the odish though.
You must defeat the elite 4, then go to mistys city, then north. Talk to Bills grandpa, and he want to see Pokemon. I think it is theese Pokemon he wants to see. Lickitung, Staryu, eevee, Pichu>>Set pikachu at the day-care with a ditto, in the egg it's a Pichu<< he want's to see a vulpix too. That is for silver, in gold can't you catch a Vulpix, so i think it's a growlithe instead.
1. Lickitung (Ever Stone)2. Oddish (Leaf Stone)3. Staryu (Water Stone)4. Growlithe/Vulpix (Fire Stone)5. Pichu (Thunder Stone)
bill's house is in cerulean city but if you want to talk to him go to golden rod city and go to the left then down