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You don't have to go anywhere specific. At 10:00pm the New Years event automatically happens wherever you are.

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Q: Where do you go for the new years festival on harvest moon tree of tranquility?
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Where is the flower festival in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

Town Square

In harvest moon tree of tranquility where do you go for the flower festival?

the front of the town hall.

Where is the starry night festival in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

The Starry Night Festival is on top of the hill in Brownie Ranch, by Alan's Tree. It took me two years to find it.

Is harvest moon tree of tranquility for Playstation 2?

Nope. Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is for the wii.

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Eggplant is in season during fall for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility

How do you invite someone to a festival in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

if you have someone to 6 hearts they will invite you if you talk to them the day before

In harvest moon tree of tranquility when is the New Year's Eve festival and where?

It is on the 28th of winter and in ur house but u have to be married

What are some cheats for harvest moon tree of tranquility?

The only cheat I know for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is infinite money.

How do you get to brownie farm on harvest moon tree of tranquility?

On the day of the animal festival, the rock will just not be there. They'll SAY that you moved it though.

What is the funnest Harvest Moon game?

I'd say harvest moon tree of tranquility.

In harvest moon tree of tranquility on a holiday can you still ship stuff?

yes, you can ship stuff any day during harvest moon tree of tranquility

When is Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility coming out?

The Current release date for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is July 14, 2008. But this date is subject to change.