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When you reach Ilex Forest look for the Sprite of Farfetch'd, talk to it so that in a way the Farfetch'd will walk to the 'trainer' by the cuttable tree, his boss wil be back by then. Talk to him and he'll give you cut.

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Q: Where do you get hm cut on Pokemon gold version?
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You need to get the hm cut then teach it to a grass Pokemon

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Teach HM Cut to a Pokemon and use it on the tree.

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No, venonat cannot learn the HM move cut

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That's the only way the HM cut isn't anywhere else.

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Answer the hm fly is in the town below the lighthouse. Answer the hm fly is in the town below the lighthouse.

How do you get cut in Pokemon Gold?

You can use the HM cut in Pokémon Gold to cut down trees that block the way. You can get cut in Ilex Forest.

How do you cut the grass behind your house in new bark town in Pokemon gold?

use the HM cut

How do you cut down trees in Pokemon gold version?

If by "shiny gold" you mean the original Gold version for the Game Boy Color, you must first beat the Gym leader in the town with the Slowpokes and then go into the adjacent forest and help some people catch their Farfetch'd. If you cannot battle the Gym leader, make sure you talk to Kurt in the house in the upper-left and go to the well to the right of the town and beat Team Rocket.

What Pokemon can learn HM cut?

only Pokemon with sharp claws can learn the hm cut

What hm can you use after beating the 2nd gymleader in Pokemon gold?

It allows you to use the Cut HM. You get it shortly after by rescuing the Farfetch'd in Ilex Forest.

Where to get the hm in gold version?

What HM be more specific