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I don't really think you can. The thing is, in Sapphire you can catch Lotad but not Seedot and in Ruby you can catch Seedot but not Lotad. However in Emerald, you can catch both. So You'd have to trade from a Sapphire or Emerald.

Lotad can be found on route 114 on Pokemon RUBY!

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Q: Pokemon Ruby where do you find lotad?
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nowhere,you have to get a lotad or lombre from sapphire and, make lotad evolve to lombre and give a water stone to get ludicolo.

Where can you find and catch lotad in diamond and pearl?

After obtaining the national Pokedex insert Pokemon Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire into your DS then you can find it on route 203 & 204

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you can't unless you use a cheat because you can't get the lotad

Where do you find Lotad in Pokemon Platinum?

You only can find Lotad in Platinum if you insert the GameBoy Advance game Pokémon Sapphire in your Nintendo DS. If you've done this, you can find Lotad at Route 203, Route 204, Route 210 South and Eterna Forest.

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Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Lotad, Lombre, etc.

Where can you find lotad in Pokemon diamond?

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Where do you find lotad in Pokemon emerald?

route 102

Is the Pokemon lotad a fake?

The Pokemon Lotad, is a real Pokemon, that was introduced during the Hoenn Region, in the games Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire, although it was an exclusive Pokemon only in Pokemon Sapphire, but was also made available in Pokemon Emerald. Lotad is a water and grass type Pokemon, also known as the Water Weed Pokemon, and evolves into Lombre, it's second evolutionary form, at level 14. Lombre then evolves into Lotad's final form, Ludicolo, when exposed to a Water Stone.

Where to find a lotad in Pokemon Emerald?

lotad is on a edge near the jumping carvanha

On ruby you can catch the main Pokemon from sapphire how?

not 100% sure on what you mean but if you mean how to get for example Lotad in Pokemon Ruby which has Seedot. Lets say you want a Lotad. Go to the Oldale Town and go to the small Grass area next to the water just west of the city. If you wanna catch a Lotad, you gotta be very patient. As Sapphire Pokemon are catchable in Ruby but they are more rare so it might take a while. Hope i answered your question the way you wanted it. Cya and Good Luck.

How do you get lotad in platinum?

Yes, you can capture it in the Safari but it is very extinct and very rare to find. BTW (By The Way) You must get the National Pokedex to do this. Another way is to migrate your Lotad from a GBA Pokemon Game such as Emerald, Sapphire, Leaf-Green, and Fire-Red