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Health is called HP, either defined as Health Points or Hit Points, and both meanings are accurate. My HP rating is presently 68, which is earned by attacking opponents. (There are myriad RS topics/discussions on "training" up your attack/strength/defense/ranged skills, which are where you earn HP HitPoints.) When you are fighting, either attacking or being attacked, your HP will decline due to injuries that you suffer. When that happens, you need the HP fix, which is food (most commonly) and high-level prayer, and potions. Food is the fastest and most dependable quick fix. The best HP food for free players is anchovy Pizza, which I make by the hundreds, and use to earn gp. Paying members have access to many better foods, but the result is still the same: To have food to eat to increase health points while doing battle. Battle is the only way to increase your overall HP stats, to raise it from beginning level up to 60s and 70s and higher. Cooking and all other non-combat skills won't increase your health stats, but prayer can lend a defensive hand when you are high enough prayer level.

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