Their are shield shops all over Runescape. You should be more specific.
In North Falador near the fountain.
An elemental shield is 845 gp.
The best shield for a non member in stat wise is the Rune Kite shield however if you want rarity the You can go for one with a trim in the colour of the runescape gods.
Sword: Rune 2handed sword. Shield: Rune Berserker shield 100.
the genral shop
A shield or a prayer book. sheild, book and 2h sword
You can buy one from the Grand Exchange or you can buy an Addy Square shield from the shield shop in Falador
saradomin shield
Antidragon shield
the second floor of runescape has a npc walking around with it talk to him he will hand you one.
An elemental shield is 845 gp.
grand exchange
The best shield for a non member in stat wise is the Rune Kite shield however if you want rarity the You can go for one with a trim in the colour of the runescape gods.
If it is the shield that your gang had you can simply go back and get it. But if it was the other gangs shield you need to get someone to get you it.
I don't think there is any such thing as a player-owned shop in RuneScape.
Yes. You just simply go back to where you found the shield and get it.
Get 60k for a adament berserker shield and get 200k for a rune one.