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Q: Where can buy chisel in RuneScape?
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Where do you get a chisel on RuneScape?

Buy it on the Grand Exchange, or from a general store.

How do you cut an uncute ruby for runescape?

To cut gems on runescape you must have a chisel, and use the chisel on the gem. also, you need the required craftig level to cut the gem. hope that helps =]

How do you cut uncut emeralds in runescape?

You take or buy a chisel and have to have a high crafting level and then just cut it.

How do you craft kebbit claws in runescape?

The best way is to buy a pair of d claws and use a chisel on em!

How do you cut a saphirre in runescape?

You cut every gem with a chisel.

How do you get crushed gems in runescape?

I think it is by using a chisel or hammer on the gems.

Where can you get a chisel on RuneScape?

At a general store. The "Pot" icon on your mini map.

How do you cut diamonds on RuneScape?

To cut diamonds, use a chisel on an uncut diamond in RuneScape. Further cut diamonds can be cut into bolts for rangers.

How do you cut a jade in runescape?

The same way you cut other gems, with a chisel.

What does the chisel sign on the runescape map mean?

It means that it is an area where you can train the crafting skill.

How do you cut jewels on runescape?

get any jewels and a chisel and with the right crafting level you can cut them!

How much is uncut diamond in RuneScape?

A piece of Diamond that has not been cut and is able to be cut with a chisel.