get any jewels and a chisel and with the right crafting level you can cut them!
You take or buy a chisel and have to have a high crafting level and then just cut it.
best Place To Cut Willows Is By Draynor Bank.
cut logs cut longs and cut more logs once you get enough money flip
About 60 hours with dragon hatchet.
To get it from the mine, you use a pickaxe. To cut it into smaller pieces, you use a chisel on a larger piece of granite. Or, if you have a chisel in your toolbelt, just click on the piece of granite.
Ask some players through out runescape
you can find jewelery, jewels, and seeds.
watch jewl are made from cut up jewels
You'll need a certain Crafting level before you can cut. Also, you need a chisel and use it on the uncut gems. I don't think you can cut the already cut jewels.
You cut every gem with a chisel.
To cut diamonds, use a chisel on an uncut diamond in RuneScape. Further cut diamonds can be cut into bolts for rangers.
The same way you cut other gems, with a chisel.
you can burn maple logs on runescape, but you can not cut them. EDIT: actually you can, you need 30 dungeoneering, but there u can cut/burn them.
Get one by TeleGrab in Varrock Bank Dungeon.You can get other cheap jewels as well like Ruby Ring.
Cut down trees.
Cut oak logs