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the dream world is where you can get pokemon from different generations.

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Q: What is the pokemon dream world?
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Can you get a Pikachu in the Pokemon dream world?

You can plainly get any Pokemon in the Dream World if your patient and to continue searching.

How many legendary Pokemon are in the Pokemon dream world?


What is dream world in Pokemon FireRed?

that's on Pokemon black

How long does it take a Pokemon to dream in the dream world on Pokemon black?

Usually 5 to 10 minutes

How do you play pokemon dream world?

you have to send a pokemon into the dream world using online function on your c-gear (make sure you're in a place that has wifi). you can actually play in the dream world by registering your pokemon black/white game in to the global link (you need to create a account first) and going to and clicking on "pokemon dream world"

What is the dream world in Pokemon Black or White and define it please?

The dream world is a place where your Pokemon go to sleep and dream and comes true.To get the dream world you have to first make a account at you go game sync in your game (Black or White)and then you get to the dream world you will need Internet in your house.

How do you get to the Dream World on Pokemon Black?

You go to the Pokemon website, I think

How many Pokemon do you have to have so you can send your Pokemon to dream world?


How do you get to dream world pokemon white?

Go to, and sign up for Global Link. Then, you can connect your game to the computer and enter dream world.

Where is Rayquaza in Pokemon dream world?

Rayquaza is not available in the Dream World so it cannot be found in the Dream World. Rayquaza can only be found in the Dream World as part of a promotional event.

How do you get more than one Pokemon in the dream world?

You have to befriend more Pokemon

Can you use Pokemon dream world on an r4i?
