You take or buy a chisel and have to have a high crafting level and then just cut it.
You can get an Uncut emerald from drops or the Grand Exchange, or coming across them while mining, some monsters that drop Uncut Emeralds are a Combat Level 63 Ork Statue or Combat Level 75 Ogre Statue.
Prices are changing alot for diamonds, but right now an uncut diamond's price is 10,600 gp.
To get uncut diamonds you can get them as a monster drop, from one of the gem stores, buy from other players, or purchase through the grand exchange.
Uncut Dragonstone + 3 Runite Bars
It depends if your watching the cut or the uncut. the cut version has like 29 where the uncut has like 39 episodes.
You can get an Uncut emerald from drops or the Grand Exchange, or coming across them while mining, some monsters that drop Uncut Emeralds are a Combat Level 63 Ork Statue or Combat Level 75 Ogre Statue.
To cut diamonds, use a chisel on an uncut diamond in RuneScape. Further cut diamonds can be cut into bolts for rangers.
Cut emeralds are typically worth more than rough or uncut emeralds due to the time and skill required to cut and shape them into a desirable gemstone. Cut emeralds are ready for setting into jewelry and are more visually appealing, thus commanding a higher price in the market.
A piece of Diamond that has not been cut and is able to be cut with a chisel.
you can get it by either buying it off the ge(grand exchange), killing creatures that drop uncut rubies, or getting an uncut ruby from somebody and cut the ruby. you need crafting level 34 to cut rubies
yes , some times you do while mining , just like random events really You can randomly get several gems while mining; sapphires, rubies, emeralds, or diamonds. Others, too, if you are a member. Don't let anybody cut them for you - "free gem cutting" is a scam: uncut gems are worth more.
Lvl 82 Skeltons can drop uncut oynx but vary rare
Yes, it makes no difference if it is cut or uncut.
Just keep mining rocks and sometimes, although very rarely, gems will pop up. This is only if you are a member. If you are a member and have done the quest Shilo village you can mine gems if you cross the bridge next to the bank and can get uncut diamonds, uncut Ruby's, uncut emeralds and other gems
Prices are changing alot for diamonds, but right now an uncut diamond's price is 10,600 gp.
To get uncut diamonds you can get them as a monster drop, from one of the gem stores, buy from other players, or purchase through the grand exchange.