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Prices are changing alot for diamonds, but right now an uncut diamond's price is 10,600 gp.

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Q: How much does uncut diamonds in runescape cost?
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How much does a uncut diamonds sell for on runescape?

All items fluctuate in price. No one can give a definite answer.

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A piece of Diamond that has not been cut and is able to be cut with a chisel.

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How much are uncut diamonds worth?

The value of a diamond depends on its cut, its clarity, its colour and its carat weight. This is true of gemstone-quality diamonds, only 20% of all diamonds mined. The value of an uncut stone, then, is what a diamond cutter is willing to pay for it depending on its highlights of clarity and colour, and how the cutter believes that the stone can be cut to retain its maximum carat weight. Often up to 60% of the raw diamond's carat weight is lost in the planning, cutting and polishing process. An uncut diamond is worth less than a cut diamond, if the diamonds are of the same carat weight. Eighty percent of mined diamonds are considered industrial diamonds, which you can purchase by the bag full for about the price of a latte, depending on your vendor and your purchase frequency.

How much does a diamond cost and weight today?

Diamonds cost and weigh on an individual basis.

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356 gp