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the abyssal whip in runescape cost from about 1.39m- 1.6m somewhere around there...

1,390,00-1,600,00 the price can rise or drop of time.

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Q: How much does a whip cost on RuneScape?
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How much does a whip cost in RuneScape?

as of march 20th of 2010 it costs around 3.1m

Are there requirements to use the whip in RuneScape?

Yes, you need 70 Attack to weild the Abyssal Whip.

On runescape what's beter a dragonlong sword or a abyssal whip?

that's abbsyal whip of course

How do you make a whip on RuneScape?

To make a whip on RuneScape, you need to have a level 90 Crafting. You will need a Abyssal whip (or its uncharged version) and an Abyssal vine, which can be obtained by using a whip vine on a regular vine which can be found in the Edgeville Dungeon. Use the whip vine on the Abyssal whip to create the Abyssal vine whip.

What levels do you need to wield a whip in RuneScape?

An Abyssal whip required level 70 attack to be equipped.

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Should you get a whip or a zammy spear in runescape which one and why?

I personally prefer the whip since it is more for the offensive and the spear is more for the defensive. The whip has +82 in strength and slash stat which makes it one of the best 1-wielded weapons in runescape.

How do you undye your whip on runescape?

you get a cleaning cloth from the g.e. and use that on it.

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